Portfolio Romain Vincens
UX/UI designer
Front-end developer
*Student, looking for an internship

Play with the shapes!

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My resume ·
My resume ·
My resume ·
My resume ·
About me

Hi, I'm Romain Vincens, a student passionate about UX UI design and front-end development. I create my mockups with Figma for better visualization and collaboration. For development, I code in HTML, CSS (SCSS) and JavaScript (GSAP and jQuery). Currently, I am diving into Next.js to elevate my React skills.

Currently seeking an internship in front-end development and UX/UI, I am motivated by the opportunity to apply my skills within a dynamic team. If my profile interests you, I would be delighted to discuss potential opportunities with you.

Contact me

My projects

Objectif Ocean mockups
Oby'v website
Yoose mockups